Saturday, January 24, 2015

Story Saturdays

Just Another Poem

So, I know I've been gone for awhile and I apologize. My computer crashed while my flashdrive was plugged in so everything I had been working on was deleted.
Meaning, all the edits for my book.
So, now, I'm having to redo almost two months of editing around my busy school/work schedule. Not fun. But, I came up with this poem a few minutes ago, and thought I'd share it with you all for your enjoyment.
If you want to keep up with more (much more) frequent updates on what's going on, follow me on Twitter! If something's coming up, it's announced on my Twitter ASAP. You also get links and recommendations for other nerd activities, like if an author has an upcoming signing...

So, without further to do, here's my poem.

Things I Love

I love early morning summer,
when the birds are singing loud
and the sky is painted orange low,
casting gilded light across the ground.

I love when water ripples,
sending those shards of light,
like broken glass across the floor,
flitting for my delight.

I love drinking in the blaze of fire,
in the dark of night,
their crackling and dancing slow
right before my eyes.

I love when sunlight streams
through windows all around,
placing the purest of ribbons
all across the ground.

I love being so alone,
bare feet dipped in rivers flowing
woods and animals all around
and a book to tell me where I’m going.

I love fast driving through the country
so all the colors of the trees,
blur to form one bright color
of flowers and grass and leaves.

I love the smell of the great outdoors
just after heavy rain
when everything is pure and clean,
like God decided to start again.

I love the scent of the sweetest pea
and lavender in my shower,
but the scent I love the most of all
is none but the butterfly flower.

I love high places to stand upon
And look upon God’s glory
the feeling of climbing oh, so high
and seeing our smallness in His Story.

I love the minds of others
when I’m able to see in
and battle with the best of minds
to better mine with strengthening.

I love the smell of adventure
as it rumbles through my veins
and fills me with excitement
I know I’ll never know again.

I love new discoveries
and things that make me think
and finding a pattern in chaos
that can change before you blink.

I love asking questions
as annoying as that may be
but questions get you answers
and answers can set you free.

I love brilliant quote.
There’s just something about those words
that make you realize there’s more to life
yet, you can still be understood.

But, more than anything I love,
Is a Love that sets you free
When God sent His Son to die
All for the sake of His own glory.

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