Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Book!!!

   It's back to school and things are going crazy!
   First off, a shout out to all you who have been following me and will get bored enough to click on my page. Thank you!
    Thank you to all who have been so patiently awaiting the arrival of The Playbook! It is officially out in stores and you can get it on eBook, Hardback, or Paperback. There's even a sample of my book for free on Smashwords! Check it out! 
     Go to my STORE link and click on the version of my book you want and it will send you to the link so you can buy it. I need all the support I can get. The more books I sell, the more books I can publish, so it's up to you guys!
     Second, I am officially making Story Saturdays - my ratings and promos of my books, or books by authors I love - habitual, rather than random, as well as Thoughtful Thursdays - a biblical thought for the day - and Monday Madness - stupid, funny, or just plain dumb things I found on the internet. Stay posted! It will be rough at first, but I'm am going to try my hardest to get this to become consistent. Help keep me accountable by giving me shout-outs or commenting or emailing me so I don't forget I have viewers! :)
     Finally, Happy School Year and Happy Late Labor Day! I know it'll be rough, but we can get through it. Keep On Keeping On, guys! 

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